Wednesday, April 24, 2013

ENTERtain Your Self

To seek outside of self
for that which is inside,
an aimless searching,
an empty promise.

These times are filled
with strong output.
White noise
that disables our ability
for genuinely
being able to grasp
and fully appreciate
that which is life.

What are you looking for?
You won't get it from them.
Nothing they sell will make you more complete.

ENTER you.

For just one moment
entertain the notion
that the most compelling script
is the one you are writing.

Be fascinated with this.
Intent on your own twists and turns.
Become absorbed in your story.

But be weary of falling too far into the plot.
For this tale unfolds moment by moment.
And you have complete power
to dictate the fate.

Take charge of your tale.
Be active in the production.

Entertain your Self.

Friday, March 15, 2013

Lovers' Goodbye

It was a parting that will forever remain sensitive and splendid in the depths of my heart.
A transition such as this, never simple. So far from easy. Even if I believe it is right.
We shared a morning of mourning. Together allowing emotions to flow, I felt absolute love.
To experience such a process while held in your arms was the most beautiful way to go.
As we held one another and wept, I could feel my very core and the connection that has been strongly sewn between us.
I left tears on your pillow and cum in your sheets. The essence of me to live on for a little while.
Our home, the place that brought us so divinely together, is your own kingdom now.
The queen leaves her king gracefully and graciously.
To walk away, so far from easy. A trembling in my heart and hands as I write these words now.
Ours has been a special journey, blessed from the start. Kindred spirits of the flame.
You have been my teacher, my student, my lover, my friend, my partner, and my joy.
Together we create such an unstoppable force.
It is our karma to fulfill great dreams.
One year exactly brings us now to whatever is next.
I held myself together, needing to be strong in uneasy resolve. And now I allow vulnerability to spring forth.
Time to unwind.
To scream and cry and wonder why.
Though in my heart I know.

You are loved
Umpqua Ipo

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Dream Space

Under the blanket of winter we nestle, sleeping the sleep of the newborn, the sleep of the seed. All is contained within us - all future possibilities, all growth, all knowing. This is the time after the Great Dark and before the Bursting Forth. This is the time for dreaming and for knowing our dreams. This is the time of illumination. The light grows. Shadows take form as the darkness recedes. Resting still in the cauldron of birth, we close our two eyes and open our third. Our dream vision is active. We have enough light now to see. Use the light. Dream on ~